
Mountain Stream Raging Through Beautiful Forest

In a 2019 blog, I introduced our The Gifted Tree family to our Trees for a Cause tree donation program. As I explained back then, you, our customer can donate to plant trees through our program. The Gifted Tree’s Trees for a Cause charity donation program is a win-win-win partnership. Win 1 = Connect on a personal level with someone important to you and show them you care. Win 2 = By planting a tree, you are helping the earth, counteracting the devastating effects of forest fires and climate change. Win 3 = Directly help the hard work of a worthwhile cause by planting your gift tree in a charity specific “Giving Grove,” located in a U.S. National Forest. When you choose our Trees for a Cause program, The Gifted Tree will donate 10% of your purchase price to that organization to help fund their valuable programs.

Direct Relief

Also at that time, I introduced our first charity partnership with Our Military Kids. Since 2004, Our Military Kids has empowered military kids by funding sports, arts, and other enrichment activities when their parents are deployed overseas with the National Guard or Reserves or recovering from severe injuries sustained in a post-9/11 overseas mission. Now, I want to introduce you to three additional charities we have partnered with in our Trees for a Cause program.

Health Care worker wearing mask during COVID-19 pandemic

As has been well-documented in the news, 2020 was a challenging year caused by the pandemic and getting personal protection equipment to first line responders and safety personnel was a challenge. Direct Relief is a humanitarian organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies. As part of its COVID-19 pandemic relief efforts, Direct Relief is working in overdrive to get protective gear and critical care medications to as many health workers as possible, as quickly as possible, with emergency deliveries leaving daily for medical facilities across the U.S.

Direct Relief is focusing on the four key areas of activity:

  1. Providing assistance in the form of personal protective equipment for health workers.
  2. Building an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) medication model and mobilizing private resources to build a stockpile to assist with anticipated spike in ICU patients.
  3. Boosting support to safety-net facilities to address existing chronic gaps that are likely to grow.
  4. Collaborating with infectious disease epidemiologists, technology companies and public agencies to use aggregated mobility data to support the COVID-19 response.

As the Delta variant of COVID-19 continues to increase, the work of Direct Relief has again become important in the fight to get equipment and supplies to where they are needed to fight this disease.

Hilinski’s Hope

Tyler Hilinski watching a beautiful sunset.

Mental illness has been prominent in the news lately, especially as it applies to athletes. Probably the most recent famous news story involved Simone Biles and her withdrawal from certain Olympic events in Tokyo due to mental challenges. This follows Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal from the French Open earlier in 2021 citing bouts of depression and not being in a good mental state. Mental depression not only affects star athletes, but athletes and individuals at all levels.

Hilinski’s Hope Foundation is a non-profit organization formed to promote awareness and education of mental health and wellness for student athletes. The Foundation’s mission is to educate, advocate, and eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness, while funding programs that provide student-athletes with the tools and resources that support their mental health and wellness.

The Hilinski’s Hope Foundation (H3H) was founded in 2018 by Mark and Kym Hilinski to honor the life of their son Tyler. Tyler was a top quarterback at every level and played collegiately for Division 1 Washington State University where he wore the uniform with number 3. Many describe Tyler as the happiest person in any room and on any field.  He always had a smile on his face and kind words for his friends and teammates.  Tyler will best be remembered for his play in the Boise State game. Ty was put into the game in the 4th quarter with less than 10 minutes to play and WSU was down 31-10.  Three overtimes later, Tyler threw the game winning touchdown to Jamal Morrow. WSU fans rushed the field and the WSU players hoisted Tyler on their shoulders. From that moment on, Ty became known as the “Comeback Kid”.

Although Tyler always believed in happy endings and that good was around every corner, Tyler simply couldn’t endure the pain he must have been suffering. Just a few months later Tyler died by suicide on January 16, 2018.  Tyler never showed any signs of depression or struggle.

H3H helps colleges and universities save lives, eliminate stigma, and scale mental wellness programs for student-athletes. H3H does this by sharing Tyler’s story, connecting students with mental health resources, and assisting universities to institutionalize best practices. H3H envisions a world where mental health is supported in parity with physical health and equally prioritized by universities as connected to athletic performance.


LA Family Housing

LA Family Housing Original Location - Former Fiesta Motel

LA Family Housing helps people transition out of homelessness and poverty through a continuum of housing enriched with supportive services. Their vision is to be a leader in providing solutions to end homelessness, employing evidence-based best practices to achieve its goals. From its humble beginnings in a motel in North Hollywood, pictured above, it now operates 26 properties of temporary, permanently affordable, and permanent supportive housing across the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Every individual has a unique life experience that defines what type of support they need. With these needs in mind, LA Family Housing connects participants to the right type of housing for them, and surrounds them with supportive services that are proven to foster long-term housing stability. Through its outreach and engagement process, LAFH  helps thousands of people transition out of homelessness and retain long-term housing stability.

In 2016, the Fiesta Motel was demolished, making room for the new headquarters of L.A. Family Housing. The new facility includes a state-of-the-art health clinic, 50 units of permanent supportive housing, bridge housing, and a hub that draws scattered public and private homeless services into a single location.

Plant a Tree. Plant a Hope.

Whether donating a tree in memory or in celebration, The Gifted Tree will not only plant your tree(s), helping the world fight deforestation and the devastating affects of global warming, but also help one of these great organizations. It is easy to do — on the order page, just click the box of the Trees for a Cause program you would like to support. We will plant the tree(s) and make the donation. And stay tuned, as The Gifted Tree is working on adding several new organizations to our Trees for a Cause tree donation program.

Connect Personally - Benefit Globally - Support A Cause

The Gifted Tree has always helped the earth by planting trees worldwide to counteract the devastating effects of forest fires and climate change, but we have added a new wrinkle. Your gift tree will still help you connect with someone special to you and give the world a gift, too, but now you can also help support a meaningful cause.

Announcing Our Trees for a Cause Planting Program

The Gifted Tree’s Trees for a Cause charity donation program is a win-win-win partnership. Win 1 = Connect on a personal level with someone important to you and show them you care. Win 2 = By planting a tree, you are helping the earth, counteracting the devastating effects of forest fires and climate change. Win 3 = Directly help the hard work of a worthwhile cause by planting your gift tree in a charity-specific “Giving Grove,” located in a U.S. National Forest. When you choose our Trees for a Cause program, The Gifted Tree will donate 10% of the purchase price to that organization to help fund their valuable programs.

Our Military Kids Logo - Empowering Military Kids

Our Military Kids Partnership with the Gifting Tree

Our first partnership is with Our Military Kids. Their “Giving Grove” is called the Empower Tree Grove and is located in a U.S. National Forest. Since 2004, Our Military Kids has empowered military kids by funding sports, arts, and other enrichment activities when their parents are deployed overseas with the National Guard or Reserves or recovering from severe injuries sustained in a post-9/11 overseas mission.

National Guard and Reserve families sometimes have trouble accessing support services from military installations. During deployments, these families may lose income when their military member leaves a civilian job to accept a military position overseas. The loss of income and lack of resources can create gaps that are hard on families. Our Military Kids fills these gaps with a simple grant program that pays for their children’s activities.

Wheel-chair bound amputee military father helping his daughter on the playgroundWhen military members are injured in service to our country, their families face many changes. They may have to move closer to medical care or change their comfortable routines. Children must often take a back seat while parents deal with more pressing issues related to medical care, financial strains, and other adult responsibilities. Our Military Kids grants ease the financial strain on parents while giving their children the chance to participate in positive activities that will help them laugh, grow, and feel connected to the community.

The History of Our Military Kids

In early 2004, Our Military Kids started small, with a pilot program focused on a National Guard unit from Winchester, Va. The pilot program was extremely successful, and they expanded to help all deployed Reserve and National Guard families living throughout Virginia.
Air Force father holding his daughter

Calls from deploying soldiers were sometimes heartbreaking. Feeling the need to help more children cope with the challenges brought on by lengthy separations, Our Military Kids began covering families living in Maryland, the District of Columbia and, eventually, the entire United States.

In 2008, Our Military Kids expanded its program once again, this time to include children of service members and veterans from all branches of service who were severely injured in post-9/11 combat operations, and whose families were struggling to deal with financial and emotional hardships.

Today, Our Military Kids is a national organization, funded entirely by private donors, foundations and corporate sponsors. Since its inception, the group has provided more than 67,000 grants to military families across the country, allowing military kids the opportunity to participate in sports, arts and other activities while their parents are deployed or recovering from severe injuries sustained in combat. Participation in these activities helps military children cope with stress and build self-confidence while their parents are recovering or serving overseas.

4-Star Rated Nonprofit Organization

While The Gifted Tree is so impressed with the mission of Our Military Kids, we are also attracted to the group’s financial acumen and transparency.  Our Military Kids has earned the highest possible 4-Star rating from Charity Navigator, the leading charity watchdog organization. Because of the group’s careful money management, a high percentage of donation dollars is going directly to fund kids’ grants, something that is important to The Gifted Tree and guided its decision to include the organization in our Trees for a Cause program.
Two Our Military Kids children proudly holding their grant award certificates

How Our Charity Tree Donation Program Works

If you want to plant a tree in memory of, in celebration of or in honor of someone close to you and make a difference in a child’s life, consider our Trees for a Cause option. Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price of your gift tree will be donated to the organization to directly help fund its programs, which can ease stress for military kids by paying for participation in sports, fine arts, & tutoring programs while their parents are serving their country overseas or recovering from battle wounds.

Back our charity donation program by choosing the Trees for a Cause planting location and help support Our Military Kids.