“It takes a special pet to make us care so deeply and miss them so greatly.”

Small dog and cat cuddling at home

We Love Pets

It seems to be undeniable that Americans have a love affair with pets. Over 100 million households in this country have at least one pet. Dogs are the most common household pets, with over 60 million, with cats coming in second place. But let’s not forget about fish, birds, small animals (gerbils and rabbits for example), reptiles, and horses. Just take a walk around the neighborhood on a nice summer night and this fact will be confirmed, at least in respect to dogs. America’s deep affection for pets is a testament to the unique bond humans share with animals. This bond was developed thousands of years prior as confirmed on ancient hieroglyphic rock etchings in ancient times. Dogs were valued for their loyalty and skills in hunting and protection, while cats were cherished for their ability to control disease carrying vermin.

One of the most significant shifts in the perception of pets, at least in recent times, is their transition from being mere animals to becoming family members. From the wagging tails of dogs to the soothing purrs of cats, pets have become integral members of many households across the country. A survey conducted by Harris Poll found that 95% of pet owners consider their pets part of the family. This sentiment is reflected in the way people celebrate their pets’ birthdays, include them in holiday festivities, and even create social media profiles for them. Visit a restaurant patio and most likely you have shared it with a dog or two. Drive down any road and it is common to see a dog’s head sticking out of the passing car’s window. Take a plane trip and there is a good chance that you have boarded along side an accompanied pet, whether you wanted to or not. And a big amenity for any community, whether to maintain residents, or to attract new residents, is the local dog parks. The proliferation of these parks around the country in the last decade is staggering. The city of Boise, Idaho leads the way with over seven dog parks per one hundred thousand residents.

Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Several factors have contributed to the rise in pet ownership. Numerous studies have highlighted the health benefits of owning a pet. Pets are known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The simple act of petting a dog or cat can release endorphins and lower blood pressure. Additionally, pets encourage physical activity; dog owners, for instance, are more likely to engage in regular exercise through daily walks. During the COVID-19 pandemic, pets played a crucial role in providing emotional support. As people faced isolation and uncertainty, pets offered unwavering companionship and comfort. Animal shelters across the country reported a surge in adoptions, as individuals and families sought the solace that pets provide.

Pet Loss Tree - Dog Over The Rainbow Bridge

Losing a Pet

The downside with the infatuation of owning pets is that they don’t typically live as long as humans. The average life span for a dog is 10-13 years depending on the size and breed. Ask any dog lover and they will tell you that they will go through mourning several times in their lifetime due to this short canine lifespan. Losing a pet is a profound and heart-wrenching experience. For many, pets are not just animals but cherished members of the family, providing unconditional love, companionship, and joy. The death of a beloved pet can evoke intense emotions, and navigating the grief that follows can be challenging. I have addressed this challenge in a prior blog, 3 Tips for Grieving the Loss of a Pet.

Man and dog sitting in a forest of Cherry trees

Pet Memorial Tree

I have noticed in the last year since that blog was published how many more people are planting a pet memorial tree in order to create an everlasting tribute for their pet or for their friends or colleagues who have lost a pet. Planting a pet memorial tree to honor a faithful dog companion is the most common given the close connection between dogs and trees. What dog would not want to be memorialized with their own tree?!

The Gifted Tree makes it easy to plant a pet memorial tree. We have a number of beautiful hand-crafted tribute options which will resonate with the recipient and show you care. Some of the tributes are pet specific such as the Paw Prints premium sympathy card and a selection of pet loss animated digital eCards. As an added bonus, The Gifted Tree has a list of pet condolence messages to include on your tribute if you are struggling to find the right words to write on the tree planting certificate. Whether you’re looking for a more meaningful way to remember your own beloved pet after they’ve crossed the rainbow bridge or you’d like to send a tribute to a friend or family member who has lost a faithful companion, a memorial tree planting for the loss of a pet will create a perfect remembrance gift and a lasting legacy. Planting a tree in honor of a dog, cat, bird, or other animal is an enduring pet memorial gift.

Dog noses emerging from a heart-shaped blanket


The Gifted Tree has been planting memorial and celebration trees since 2013. When you have been doing the same thing for a long time, you get a lot of the same questions. In a series of blogs, I will provide some answers to these frequently asked questions as well as provide in-depth reasons for the answer, more in-depth than what is provided on the FAQ section of our website. Today, the FAQ to be discussed is, “Can I pick the type of tree to be planted?”

Short Answer to the FAQ: Can I pick the species of tree to be planted? 

Unfortunately, not. While the types of trees planted at a particular project are often listed in planting project description sheets, you are not able to designate the type of tree to plant. We leave it up to the professionals on site to determine the best trees to plant to achieve the project’s goals. Silviculturists (scientists who study how to grow trees) decide on the type of tree that will grow best in an area, and the best time of year to plant. The objectives of the silvicultural prescriptions for planting sites include the reintroduction of tree species that were originally in that particular ecosystem in order to improve the resilience and resistance of the forest to fire, insects, diseases, and the potential effects of climate change. So, while you will know the different tree species included in your planting project, you won’t know specifically which one is your tree species.

More In-depth Answer to the FAQ: Can I pick the species of tree to be planted? 

You might have noticed in the answer above, it states that most planting projects have multiple species of trees, not just one. When I first started doing this type of work, and actually went into the field and to plant the trees, we would only plant one species of trees. I would arrive at a site and several hundred of the same species of trees would be waiting for us to plant. We would spend the day digging and planting these trees, not worrying where exactly they would go as long as we left at least a shovel length in between each tree. In other words, we did not want the saplings to be too close to one another. That they knew was not good for long-term survivability.

A few years ago, there was a shift in understanding tree planting strategies and what is best to ensure a “happy” tree. I would get to the site and while there would still be several hundred trees waiting to be planted, they were separated into groups of 5- 6 different species. We were given instructions to make sure all the different species were planted in the different grids that were “drawn” out on the landscape in front of us. I was curious as to what was the catalyst to this new philosophy in tree planting, so I asked the arborists who were helping with the project logistics.

They explained that while it was once thought that it did not matter if there was one species or multiple species planted in a project, scientific research concluded that trees were “happier” when grouped with a multitude of species. Not only is it important to plant more trees and increase the tree canopy in this country, but it is also essential to be more thoughtful as to what is planted. I live in the community of Shaker Heights, a suburb outside of Cleveland, Ohio. We have beautiful tree lined streets, but in its founding, about 100 years ago, the streets were lined mainly with elm trees. Unfortunately, Dutch elm disease was brought to this country and caused the tragic demise of the specie’s population. The practice of planting the same type of tree exclusively in one area was beautiful when it worked but as these trees succumbed to elm disease, many of them had to be cut down.  As a result of situations like that just described, mixed planting of various species of trees is now considered the correct practice in these settings. Thus, when travelling down the streets of Shaker Heights, one will still find them to be tree lined, but instead of just elms, there are a variety of species.

A similar practice is taking place in the forest, and for good reason. The most compelling argument for planting a mix of various kinds of trees in a given area is that this is how forests grow naturally. The model that Mother Nature uses is mingling diverse species that have a variety of genetic strengths. If one species gets attacked by pests or disease, there are other species that are resistant to the problem, and they maintain the forest until the threatened one either recovers or is succeeded by another type of tree. This diverse tree population, especially if the trees are native to the region, also hosts diverse populations of beneficial creatures that protect the tree community, which in turn, sustains them. Furthermore, diverse types of trees in polyculture (the planting of multiple species) tree plantings each have their own unique susceptibilities and resistances which offset others’ vulnerabilities. Because they harbor a healthy community of organisms and animals that are in balance, pest and disease problems typically are not able to take hold as easily and do not spread as extensively.


As we better understand the science of the forest, we adapt our methods to take advantage of our knowledge. It took many years to determine that planting the same species presented problems, but it wasn’t necessarily the species that was the problem, but the method. Now as we seek to enhance the tree canopy around the country, in both urban and rural situations, we understand that planting a diverse group of tree species can yield better results with forests that are better able to adapt and survive invasion of diseases and hopefully adapt better to climate change issues as well. So, while you can’t pick the precise species for your memorial or celebration tree, realize that your tree is a gift to the earth and making a lasting impact by understanding that the experts are planting multiple tree species to ensure long-term growth, lasting for generations.

Doug and Laura from The Gifted Tree planting trees in Cuyahoga Valley National Park Ohio

Atlanta, Georgia, Tree City USA winner

Have you ever driven into a community and seen a sign commemorating that they are a “Tree City USA” winner designation? I have done that many times, but I never realized what it actually means. I live in Shaker Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. I just found out that we have been designated such for 39 consecutive years but have never seen a sign at our community boundary. Being in the tree business, I know it is a good designation, but I figure I better find out what it means, especially during this time of year when we celebrate Earth Month, Earth Day, and Arbor Day. So, let’s find out together.

Tree City USA History

When you are named a Tree City USA designee, it means you have met the criteria established by the Arbor Day Foundation as well as that of the National Association of State Foresters. According to Arbor Day’s website, Tree City USA started in 1976 and is one of the Arbor Day Foundation’s oldest programs. Its founders had a vision for a greener, healthier America, and hoped this initiative would inspire change on a nationwide level. The first Tree City USA member list was comprised of 42 communities in 16 states. Today, the program includes more than 3,600 communities from all 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico.

The National Association of State Foresters, according to its website, was born in 1920 and has served as a leading authority on forest management in the United States. NASF’s membership is composed of the directors of forestry agencies in the 50 states, five U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. Through its members, referred to as “state foresters,” the association advocates for federal legislation and national policies that promote the health, resilience, and productivity of both rural and urban forests.

State forestry agencies are the primary delivery system for forest management activities nationwide. They conserve, enhance, and protect state and private forests, which encompass nearly two-thirds of the nation’s forests, and are responsible for wildfire protection on more than 1.5 billion acres.  To that end, NASF administers another award that many of us are familiar with, the Smokey Bear Award. In the world of wildfire prevention, there is no greater honor than to receive a Smokey Bear Award. These special awards are reserved for people or organizations that provide sustained, outstanding service.

Urban forestry tree planting in Georgia

Tree City USA Benefits

Urban Forestry has become a buzzword over the past decade as many communities and government officials have come to recognize the benefits of trees in their community. The Gifted Tree’s blog on this topic highlights many of these benefits, but it is always helpful to refresh your memory as increasing the tree population in your geo-space yields so many wonderful results. A thriving urban tree canopy helps:

  • Increase property values in your community.
  • Provides natural air conditioning by keeping surroundings cooler as climate change has increased ambient temperatures. (It doesn’t take long to realize this in the summer if you lose a large shade tree on your property.)
  • Act as a sound buffer, absorbing traffic noise and other high decibel creating annoyances.
  • Protecting buildings from damage caused by high winds.
  • Help fight the damaging effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and finally,
  • Create green space in neighborhoods which is critical to improving mental and physical health.

Tree City USA Standards

To become a Tree City USA “winner”, communities must demonstrate meeting four standards:

  1. Maintaining a tree board or department
  2. Having a community tree ordinance
  3. Spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry
  4. Celebrating Arbor Day, which this year is on Friday, April 26

How You Can Help

If your community is not part of the Tree USA group, and you have passion for trees, solicit your government officials to join the program. Publicly demonstrating a community’s commitment to the environment is a great way to build pride among residents, as well as position your community as an attractive place to live. The benefits trees bring to a city environment are numerous. Why not have that Tree City USA sign at the entrance to your neighborhood to let all know that you celebrate trees and the benefits they bring to the environment. The Gifted Tree is helping with urban forestry by now offering tree planting locations not just in national forests but in urban areas as well – New York City, Newark, New Jersey, and the Chicagoland area. When you plant a memorial or celebration tree, just select an urban planting location. Any questions, feel free to contact us directly. We want to help you celebrate Arbor Day all year long.

Tree reforestation project with tree saplings

While it is extremely difficult to place an exact number of how many trees the earth loses per year, it is in the order of many millions to some say even a billion trees. No one debates the importance of trees and the need to keep planting them. The benefits of planting trees are well documented: climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, air quality improvement, soil conservation and water management, and aesthetic and recreation values.

In our business of planting memorialcelebration, and pet loss trees in the United States and around the globe, The Gifted Tree gets asked quite often, where is the best place to plant a tree? There is no right answer to this question as, unfortunately, so many areas are in desperate need of new trees. That is why we offer over 80 locations worldwide for you to select for your tree planting. No part of the globe is spared from the need for more trees, although different areas need it for different reasons because tree loss has numerous culprits.

Tree planting reforestation landscape

Best Place To Plant a Tree

Forest fires receive a lot of media attention, making us aware of their devastation. This has been the case more recently as climate change has played havoc with the environment and created conditions conducive to these fires. Fires in the western part of the United States has created urgent needs for reforestation in California and other western states. Similarly, forest fires have ravaged parts of Canada, western Europe, and Australia. Fires in the Amazon rain forest have also received a lot of attention although many of those are started by humans as a result of the need to clear land for agricultural pursuits. This is also the case in Africa where clearcutting takes place to open land for animal grazing as well as to provide firewood just so families can cook meals and survive.

The Gifted Tree also has projects to replace trees due to clearcutting from mining operations, (Appalachian Forest) to reforesting from the effects of the world wars (Italy) and replacing areas that lost trees from disease (parts of Africa). Finally, The Gifted Tree is starting to plant in urban projects (New York, New Jersey, and Illinois) which provides benefits from trees for a variety of different reasons.

Urban forest projects are critical for replacing the tree canopy in these areas that have seen a large tree canopy decrease due to factors such as urban growth sprawl, disease, and climate change issues not to mention being trampled by community members. Furthermore, with the effects of warmer temps and more frequent and severe storms, these urban tree projects are more critical as the trees provide shade, lower ambient temperatures, absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. These benefits are critical  in improving life for those living in these urban areas and whose lives disproportionally suffer from income inequality.

Our advice in determining which location to plant, is to pick a place that has meaning for the person you are honoring. Where did they live or where did they like to visit will make that location very meaningful and special. Another possible factor to consider is family heritage. For instance, does the family you are honoring have Irish heritage? If so, consider our planting project in Ireland. If that person is of Indian descent, consider planting the tree in India which will be very meaningful to the family. Other of our international planting locations can play a similar role.

Best Species of Tree To Plant

A related question we receive besides where is the best place to plant the tree is what type of tree should we plant? Please understand that you and we can’t dictate the type of tree species to be planted in a particular planting project. That is determined by our expert non-profit tree planting partners who will make their determination based on the location and what tree will be a best fit for long-term survivability. Factors that are considered include selecting species that are appropriate for the planting site, types that are indigenous to the area, as well as compatible with each other. Other factors considered are soil type, moisture levels, sunlight exposure, and potential interactions between species. One note of interest, and one that has changed since I first started planting trees, is the planting project use to be all one species of tree as the science thought that was best for the project. That thinking has changed.

Now when I go to plant trees in projects, I arrive at the site and there are groupings of 5-6 different species for us to plant. The scientific thought is that a forest is a community, and a diverse community seems to thrive better than a homogeneous community. Scientists are still studying this phenomenon and tweaking their approach, but by planting a range of species that are native and well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions, you increase the chances of overall project success. Some species may be better adapted to drought, while others thrive in wetter conditions. This diversity improves the project’s resilience to changing environmental conditions. And finally, maintaining genetic diversity within tree populations is essential for their long-term health and adaptability. Planting multiple species helps preserve genetic diversity and thus reduces the risk of inbreeding within populations which can have an adverse effect.

Oak tree saplings ready to be planted

In Conclusion

In conclusion, The Gifted Tree will plant the species of tree best suited for the area where you select to plant your memorial tree or celebration tree in honor of a loved one.. In determining where to plant, use the advice mentioned above realizing we are incorporating best practices to mitigate the risks and minimize the impact of wildfires, disease and climate change  on our cherished landscapes and communities. But if you are still struggling, my advice is don’t over think it. The world needs trees everywhere. Just remember the old Chinese proverb: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is now. So just plant!



One of the hardest things in life is reaching out to someone who has just lost a loved one. A lot of us want to avoid those in that situation and look the other way. Either we don’t know what to say, how to say it, or are afraid of saying the wrong thing. While it is tempting to ignore the situation, sending a sympathy card or reaching out with a sympathy letter is probably the best thing you can do for that person.  It can go a long way in helping a grieving individual or family get through a difficult time. Your kind words can bring a moment of comfort during a difficult time, and including a planting of a memorial gift tree in remembrance is a gesture that will not only leave a lasting impact, but is also good for the earth, bringing life full circle.

My suggestion is always find time to reach out to that person or family with a personal note as opposed to email or text. Whether you live close to the person or far away, whether you knew the person they lost well or not at all, take the time to connect. It can actually be preferable to share your sympathies in a card as opposed to bringing it up to the person the next time you see them. It  can make it easier when you do see that person as they will know that you have already reached out and it will make that experience less awkward.

I can’t stress enough about sending a tangible expression of sympathy. It won’t sit there “not opened” in an email box, or worse yet, get lost in a spam filter. It also gives the recipient more control over when it is read. Furthermore, a sympathy note can be read over and experienced in the privacy of one’s home.



Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be in flowery language. Remember that you are not trying to fix anything. The recipient just wants to know you are thinking of them and feeling for them during a difficult time. When struggling to find just the right words, The Gifted Tree provides some guidance and heartfelt samples so that your voice and sentiments shine through. The Gifted Tree also has a range of presentation options that will really show the recipient that you care. A beautiful forest scene note card enclosure is also available allowing you to express additional thoughts that you don’t want to include on the tree certificate.

Finally, it is never too late to connect and plant a tree in memory of a loved one. Many people find that they are surrounded by love in the days surrounding their loss but find themselves grieving and feeling very alone weeks and months down the road when everyone else seems to have forgotten. Receiving a memorial gift tree a few months later, or even on the first anniversary of a death, can go a long way toward helping a grieving person feel remembered and supported, and letting them know you care.


Yours Treely,
Doug and Laura

Planting memorial Trees in the forest

Planting a memorial tree can be a beautiful and eco-friendly way (more on that later) to create a lasting tribute that honors the memory of a cherished individual. Here at The Gifted Tree, we have been planting hundreds of thousands of memorial and celebration trees for over a decade, and currently plant these gift trees in 80 locations around the world, but we still get the question, how does this work?

How Does Planting a Memorial Tree Work?

A memorial (or celebration) gift tree is a sapling tree that will be planted in the forest location of your choosing by one of our trusted nonprofit planting partners. It is important to remember that a physical tree is not delivered to the family, instead you select one of our beautiful, unique, and hand-crafted tribute cards that we send to the family announcing the memorial tree planting. Each tribute contains a tree planting certificate that is personalized and customized by you expressing your feelings, showing you care.

The Gifted Tree makes it easy to plant a memorial or celebration tree.

1. You will choose the tribute design, choosing from a handmade paper card, pop-up card, or framed options, to name a few. Then you will choose the number of trees to plant and select a planting location from over 80 locations in U.S. National Forests and around the world.

2. On the order form you will personalize the tree planting certificate and let us know who to mail it to. Don’t stress if you don’t know what to write. We have lots of heartfelt suggestions including those specifically for pet memorials. (Yes, you can plant a memorial tree in memory of a pet.)

The Gifted Tree original artwork tree planting certificate in a wood frame

Wood Frame Option


3. The Gifted Tree will hand create the tribute card (no automatic computer-generated certificates) and mail it to wherever you tell us. Our non-profit tree planting partners will plant your tree and look after it. If desired, we provide info on the planting project and a way to virtually view the general area of the tree planting.

All of this can be accomplished at a surprisingly reasonable price, and while planting a memorial tree in memory of a loved one, friend, colleague and even pets is a meaningful and positive way to remember and honor their life, for the reasons mentioned below, it is also a good idea for the earth as well.

Memorial Trees getting ready to be planted

Benefits of Planting a Memorial Tree

Symbol of Growth and Life: A tree symbolizes growth, strength, and life. Planting a memorial tree can be a powerful representation of the enduring legacy of your loved one.

Connection with Nature: Trees are an integral part of nature and planting one can create a lasting connection between your loved one and the natural world. It provides a serene and peaceful place for remembrance.

Sustainable Legacy: Trees contribute to the environment by producing oxygen, reducing carbon dioxide, and supporting biodiversity. Planting a tree as a memorial is a sustainable way to leave a positive impact on the planet in honor of your loved one.

Seasonal Changes: Just as seasons change, a memorial tree experiences growth and transformation. Knowing that the tree changes with the season can be a comforting and symbolic way to reflect on the passage of time and the enduring nature of memories.

Community Involvement: In some cases, planting a memorial tree can involve the community. Groups of people from the community may join together to participate in the planting, fostering a sense of unity and shared remembrance and benefits that the tree provides.

Living Tribute: Unlike traditional memorials, a tree is a living tribute that continues to grow and evolve. It provides a dynamic and evolving representation of the enduring impact your loved one had on your life.

Educational Opportunities: A memorial tree can serve as an educational tool for future generations. It can be a source of inspiration and a way to share stories about the person being remembered.

Trees Make a Powerful and Everlasting Gift: While sending flowers has been common for many as a way to memorialize an individual, our past blog provides 5 reasons why planting a tree in remembrance is superior.

In summary, planting a memorial tree can be a wonderful and sustainable way to create a tribute that honors the memory of a cherished individual and lasts for generations. It does not take a lot of effort to get it done as The Gifted Tree makes it easy to get it done. Of course, if you have questions or need personal help, we are only a phone call away. Call our toll-free number, 800-984-2101, during business hours and speak to a live person. Superb customer service awaits, as our many testimonials confirm.

Beautiful view of the Appalachia Forest where The Gifted Tree plants gift trees.

Trees growing in an urban landscape


Imagine being a tree. It is difficult to be a tree in a large metropolitan area. Towering skyscrapers, busy streets with many cars and utility infrastructure, pollution and of course, lots of people, challenges for tree growth abound.  In the hustle and bustle of urban life, where concrete jungles seem to dominate the landscape, a silent hero is emerging to combat environmental challenges and enhance the quality of life in cities – Urban Forestry. This dynamic and evolving field recognizes the importance of integrating trees and green spaces into urban planning to create a more sustainable and resilient environment. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of Urban Forestry, its benefits, and the crucial role tree planting plays in building healthier, happier, and more sustainable cities.

What is Urban Forestry?

Urban forestry is the act of maintaining, protecting, and in The Gifted Tree‘s case — planting — trees in urban locations. All within the backdrop of a rapidly changing landscape.  Urban Forestry is a multidisciplinary approach that involves the management and conservation of trees and green spaces within urban areas that need them most. It goes beyond simply planting trees; it encompasses the careful planning, maintenance, and preservation of urban forests to optimize the ecological, economic, and social benefits they provide. Urban Forestry considers the diverse roles of trees in mitigating climate change, improving air and water quality, reducing urban heat islands, and enhancing overall human well-being.

Imagine a city with no trees. You may not think much about the daily impact of trees on the quality of your life, but the list can be quite long detailing the benefits that city trees provide.

Urban Forestry trees waiting to be planted

The Benefits of Urban Forestry

1.     Environmental Benefits:

·        Carbon Sequestration: Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, a major contributor to climate change.

·        Air Quality Improvement: Trees filter pollutants from the air, contributing to a cleaner and healthier urban environment.

·        Biodiversity Support: Urban forests provide habitat for a variety of plant and animal species, promoting urban biodiversity.

2.     Economic Benefits:

·        Increased Property Values: Proximity to green spaces and well-maintained urban forests is associated with higher property values, benefiting both residents and the local economy.

·        Energy Savings: Strategic placement of trees can reduce energy consumption by providing shade in the summer and windbreaks in the winter, leading to lower energy bills.

3.     Social and Health Benefits:

·        Improved Mental Health: Access to nature in urban areas has been linked to reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.

·        Recreational Opportunities: Urban forests offer spaces for recreational activities, promoting physical fitness and social interaction.

·        Enhanced Aesthetics: Trees and green spaces contribute to the visual appeal of cities, creating more attractive and livable urban environments.

4.     Climate Resilience:

·        Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands: Trees provide shade and cool the surrounding environment, mitigating the heat island effect common in urban areas. (Because these areas have many surfaces that retain heat, cities can be 20 degrees fahrenheit hotter than in surrounding rural areas. )

·        Stormwater Management: Urban forests help manage storm water runoff, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion.


Urban Forestry Challenges and Solutions

Despite the numerous benefits of Urban Forestry, challenges such as limited space, soil compaction, pollution, and inadequate funding can hinder its successful implementation. Furthermore, not everyone is enamored with having a tree on their property.  Despite all the benefits listed above, trees create more work (raking leaves in the fall) and potentially costly maintenance (pruning limbs as the trees grow). However, innovative solutions and community engagement can overcome these obstacles. Involving local communities in tree planting initiatives, implementing green infrastructure, and integrating Urban Forestry into urban planning are essential steps toward building more sustainable and resilient cities.

The Gifted Tree has initiated an urban forestry aspect to its memorial and celebration tree planting program helping you become part of the solution. You now have an option to choose New York or New Jersey as tree planting project locations. These projects are part of The Gifted Tree’s urban forestry projects where donations, instead of planting individual trees, will help plant groves of trees in urban areas – neighborhood parks, schools, and urban campuses. The trees planted are a biodiverse mix of locally grown trees appropriate for urban environments, more mature in their growth cycle and average 3-6 feet in height when planted helping to ensure long-term survivability and the ability to thrive in this urban area setting and more resilient to climate changes of increased temperatures.

Planting trees in urban Newark, New Jersey



Urban Forestry is a vital component of urban development that holds the key to creating healthier, more sustainable, and resilient cities. By recognizing and embracing the multifaceted benefits of trees and green spaces, urban planners, policymakers, and communities can work together to weave a green tapestry into the fabric of our cities. As we move towards a future marked by increased urbanization, the importance of Urban Forestry cannot be overstated— planting trees is a beacon of hope for a greener, more harmonious urban landscape.

There is an old proverb, aren’t they all old, which says: The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now. The wisdom is almost entirely true, but not totally true as I will explain in a bit. It is almost always a good time to plant a tree as they provide so many benefits.

Benefit of Trees

Tree branches form the shape of a heart with sunset in background.

Without getting into all the details, here are 10 reasons we need to plant and care for trees as is explained in more detail on our importance of trees page.

  1. Trees absorb CO2 gases helping offset the effects of climate change.
  2. Trees provide oxygen and clean the air at the same time.
  3. Tree coverage helps cool by day and retain heat at night thus conserving energy.
  4. Trees act as natural water filters, reduce soil erosion, and help prevent flooding.
  5. Trees help increase property values and beautify communities.
  6. Trees provide a habitat for the world’s plants and animals to, if not thrive, at least survive.
  7. Trees can provide food for both humans and animals.
  8. Trees provide many health benefits including shielding us from harmful ultra-violet rays.
  9. Trees create economic opportunities, especially in impoverished areas around the world.
  10. Trees provide shade so we can enjoy a picnic.

Best Time To Plant a TreeFather wearing gray shirt and shorts and son in checkered shirt and pants planting tree under sun.

The old proverb quoted above shows that man understood the benefits of lush arbor coverage centuries ago, however, one doesn’t just want to plant a tree at any time of year, but at the right time. The best time to plant a tree is typically during the dormant season, which is in the late fall or early spring, depending on your climate and the type of tree you’re planting. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  • Late Fall (Autumn): Planting in late fall, after the tree has dropped its leaves, can be an excellent time because the tree can focus on establishing and growing its root system during the cooler months without the stress of hot weather. Also, in the Fall, the soil stays warm well after the air temperature cools, which also encourages root growth. This allows it to be better prepared for the growing season in the spring.
  • Early Spring: Early spring is another suitable time for tree planting, just before new growth begins. The soil is still relatively cool, which encourages root development. It’s important to plant early enough in the spring so that the tree has time to establish roots before the heat of summer.
  • Avoid Extreme Weather: Avoid planting during the hot summer months or during freezing winter conditions. Extreme temperatures can stress the tree and make it harder for it to establish itself. Trees planted in the Fall are better equipped to deal with heat and drought in future seasons.
  • Consider Local Climate: The best time can vary based on your local climate and the specific type of tree you’re planting. Some trees may have specific planting times that are ideal for their growth.
  • Container vs. Bare-Root: If you’re planting a container-grown tree, you have more flexibility in terms of when you can plant, but still, aim for the dormant season or early spring. Bare-root trees are typically planted during the dormant season.
  • Fewer Insects: The cooler temps of Fall and early Winter keep down the activity of insects which can be harmful to newly planted trees (as well as more established, mature trees).
  • Rainfall: If possible, try to time your planting with periods of regular rainfall, which can help the tree establish itself more easily. Increased rainfall and cooler temperatures also means less watering time for you!

As you can see, proper tree planting involves more than just timing. Make sure to prepare the soil properly, dig an appropriate planting hole, and provide the tree with adequate water and care after planting to ensure its success and healthy growth. Additionally, consider the specific requirements of the tree species you’re planting, as some may have unique preferences and needs.

Here at The Gifted Tree, all of our memorial and celebration gift trees are planted in the location’s late spring or fall. This is being done to ensure the long-term survival of the trees as well as to accomplish the goals of the project. We have worked with our tree planting partners for years as they oversee the planting of our memorial and celebration trees as well as monitor their well-being afterwards to help ensure long-term survival allowing these trees to create a legacy lasting for generations.

The Gifted Tree has planting projects in over 80 locations in United States National Forests and in countries around the world. Each planting project has specific goals and plants different species of trees. Join us in exploring these planting locations as we update our locations pages to make it easier to view the projects available and to learn about the goals of the project, the species of trees planted, and, if available, a link to virtually view the general planting area via Bing earth maps.

Trees and a rushing Mountain Stream


Pet Loss Tree - Grieving The Loss Of a Pet



If you are like me, dealing with the loss of a pet is one of the most difficult things we will ever handle. Pets are a family member and bring so much comfort and unconditional love, it is totally understandable that losing them can be emotionally devastating. Our pets play such an important role in our daily lives, as 70% or more of US households have a pet, it is very painful when we lose our pets. And to compound things, if you are a dog owner, again like me, losing “man’s best friend’” will happen a number of times over your lifetime as one is more likely to get a new dog when the old one crosses the rainbow bridge. Thus, pet loss grief is a reoccurring theme.

Because our pets are such valued members of the family and have gotten us through some difficult times, it is not unusual to be hit hard by this loss. Our furry friends hold a special place in our hearts, and their passing leaves an indelible void. Grief is a natural response to this loss, and it’s essential to navigate through the emotions in a healthy and supportive manner. In this blog post, we will explore three strategies and coping mechanisms to help you and your family deal with the death of a family pet.

1.      Acknowledge and Validate Your Feelings

The first step in coping with the death of a family pet is acknowledging your emotions. We love our pets because they’re by our side through thick and thin. They’re loyal and loving; they never fail to make us smile, even when times are tough. For dog owners, who does not remember arriving home after a tough day at work, walking in the house to a wagging tail and kisses on your face. The loss of a pet is devastating in a way that few people understand if they haven’t also had the experience of losing a pet. It’s common to feel a range of emotions such as sadness, grief, guilt, and even anger. These emotions are completely normal, and you need to realize that this grief is valid and real.  Allow yourself and your family members the space to express these feelings without judgment. Remember, it’s okay to grieve the loss of your beloved pet.

2.      Communicate and Share Memories

Pet Loss Tree - Dog Walking In The ForestSharing memories and stories about your family pet can be a healing experience. Sit down as a family and reminisce about the happy moments, funny antics, and the unconditional love your pet brought into your lives. Open communication creates a supportive environment where everyone can express their emotions and find solace in these shared memories. However, as you remember the great times together with your animal, recognize that everyone grieves differently and in a different timeframe. We don’t want to be judgmental if a family member is not feeling the same as you. Doctor Amy Sullivan, a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic emphasizes, “What’s important is that we recognize that people are experiencing these feelings, and we support them and guide them in each of these different emotions.”

Furthermore, if need be, tap your support system from outside your family group. Reach out to friends, family, or fellow pet owners who have experienced a similar loss. They can provide understanding, empathy, and valuable advice. Additionally, consider joining a pet loss support group either in person or online, where you can connect with others who are going through similar grieving processes. Try Googling “pet loss support group near me” and you should be able to learn about a number of support possibilities near where you live.

3.      Create Physical Memorials

Pet Loss Tree - Dog Over The Rainbow BridgeConsider celebrating the life of a departed pet by creating a memorial for your pet or for a friend’s pet that has passed. Physical memorials are one of the easiest ways to remember a pet. Planting a memorial tree has become a popular and perfect way to honor the memory of a lost pet. A memorial tree for a pet sends the message that you understand and that you’re there during this difficult time. (What dog would not want to have a tree planted in its memory? Especially if your dog enjoyed being outside and taking walks in the woods.) Whether you’re looking for a meaningful way to remember your own beloved pet after they’ve crossed the rainbow bridge or you’d like to send a tribute to a friend or family member who has lost a faithful companion, a memorial tree for the loss of a pet will create a perfect remembrance gift and a lasting legacy. Planting a tree in honor of a dog, cat, bird, or other animal is an endearing and enduring pet loss gift and one that provides many benefits to our planet as well.  Engaging in these memorial activities allows you and your family to pay tribute to the love and joy your pet brought into your lives or those of a friend. The Gifted Tree allows you to honor a beloved companion by planting a tree in US National Forests to create a memorable pet memorial. Several unique and handcrafted tribute designs and pet loss cards are available to send to yourself or to the family of those who lost a family pet. One aspect I really like about the website is if you are struggling to find that perfect pet loss message to include with a tribute, there is a full page of pet loss quotes and poems that you can use. One of my favorites is: “Somewhere between hello and goodbye, there was love, so much love.”


Pet Loss Tree - Sad Looking CatLosing a family pet is an incredibly challenging experience, and coping is a process that can take a long time. But with time, support, and self-care, healing is possible. Remember that grief is a unique journey for each individual in your family, and everyone may cope with it differently. Be patient and understanding with yourselves and each other as you navigate this difficult time. Cherish the memories of your furry friend and allow their love to continue to bring warmth and joy to your lives. As Dr. Sullivan concludes herself “I don’t think you ever move on — you move forward, and the relationship you have with each pet is different. No one’s going to replace that.”

Cemetery Tree

Planting trees in memory of a loved one has become very popular especially in lieu of sending flowers. It makes sense. Trees provide many economic, health and environmental benefits as well as providing a gift to the earth lasting for generations. Here at The Gifted Tree, that is what we do, plant memorial trees. Recently, we have received numerous inquiries from grieving families telling us they want trees planted in memory of their loved one and asking how they can let family and friends know that they would like to have trees planted in remembrance of the deceased. We have listened to you, our customer, and have created a program that will help you accomplish that goal. We call it our Obituary Link Program.

Obituary Link Program

Our new obituary link program provides you with a simple to use, special link to your own custom page. You can then include this link when you write the obituary for your local newspaper or in a celebration of life program informing family and friends on how they can plant memorial trees in remembrance of your loved one. We personalize this page to fit your needs.

Personalized Page With a Custom Link

This personalization allows you to let your family and friends know where you would like the trees to be planted, and where to send the tribute cards or eCards. The best part is that we will create a simple URL (website address) for you to include, making it easy for others to have the memorial tree planted. This website address is only known to you and not accessible to outsiders, only those who you want to know. It cannot be clicked through from our website, only by tyyping the unique URL set up for you. Thus, your personal information is safe and secure.

If you desire, you can provide us a photo of the deceased to include on the page along with the date of birth and death. See the sample below. We can also include any biographical information that you desire.

Sample of Info Included in Obituary Program Page

How to get started

Where To Click On The Gifted Tree's Home Page

Once you are logged onto our website, mouse over the heading “Memorial Trees” located along the top of the page and click on the words Obituary Link Program in the dropdown to take you to the information page. Once there, you can get all the info you need on easily creating your page. All you need to do is provide us with the name of your loved one, where you would like the trees planted and the address where to send the tributes. We will take it from there – creating the page and sending you a proof for your approval. Of course, you can call us at 800-984-2101 and talk to a live person to answer all your questions. We will have you email us your information and requirements and, once received, we will create a mock-up proof for your approval and send it to you. At that point, feel free to make any edits or changes, it is not a problem. We will then finalize your page and make it live. The URL address will be simple, TheGiftedTree.com/{your last name}. You can then have this website address included in your newspaper’s obituary or include it in a Celebration of Life program. While the ordering process is easy for your family and friends to follow, they always have the option of calling us toll free and talk to a live person who can answer any question or take the order over the phone.

How Long Does It Take To Set Up?

The good news is that we can set your page up very quickly. Depending on when we get your information during the day, we can get you a proof for your approval that day or the next business day. So please check out our website info Obituary Link Program page or call us today to discuss and let us set up a program to plant trees in memory of your loved one.


Magnificent Trees