Beautiful view of the forest in Poland where The Gifted Tree has planting projects to plant gift trees.

Lipusz, Poland

“Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.” – John Muir

Project Description

The Gifted Tree’s planting project is in the Lipusz forest in the Pomeranian region of Poland. This area in northern and western Poland was devastated by storms in 2017 and nearly 200,000 acres of forest was destroyed by high winds. Now comes the calm after the storm. After years of hard work to clear the trees felled by the storm, the phase of reconstitution and replanting of the devastated forests can finally begin. These forests were mainly composed of pines, but also of deciduous stands. As the soils are naturally quite poor, a good part of the pine stands will be restored. Other species include beech, birch and oak and a mixture of forest fruit trees such as cherry or wild apple. Experience and numerous research studies show that the productivity of forest species increases with the diversity of species. Species “educate” each other and compete for access to light. Diversity optimizes the reception of biodiversity because each species has its own specific fauna and flora, ultimately increasing the richness of the soil. Finally, it increases the resistance of stands to diseases and biological attacks.


You can view the general area of this planting project by clicking on the following link:

Virtual Tour – Poland

Once connected to the map, feel free to zoom in and out to get a feel of the general planting
area as well as its location in Poland, Europe, and the world. Please understand that this is the
general area of the tree planting. Your tree will be planted among thousands of other gift trees and
there is no plaque designating the gift tree and visiting the tree is unfortunately not possible.
Know that the tree planting project is making a monumental difference for the earth and
opening a new doorway to the world for future generations.

Preserve Their Legacy For Future Generations.

Location listed on tree tribute planting certificate = Lipusz, Poland

If you have any questions, or need help in placing an order, please feel free to contact us.