Beautiful view of the Denmark Forest where The Gifted Tree has planting projects to plant gift trees.

Jutland, Denmark

“Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.” – John Muir

Project Description

The Gift Tree’s planting project is in the area of Western Jutland, Denmark. Historically and geographically, Denmark has been a country blanketed in trees, but due to agricultural pressures and population expansion only 14.5% of the land area in Denmark is now forested. Your gift tree is being planted as part of a large project to benefit the climate, biodiversity, and the local communities.

This project is part of a nationwide effort to grow Denmark’s forest cover to 25% by 2100 and will establish a multi-functional woodland on marginal farmland in western Jutland. The best part? It will be protected in perpetuity by the Danish Forest Act. The new forests will absorb carbon, protect biodiversity, preserve groundwater, and fix nitrogen to reduce oxygen suffocating wetland algae blooms. A conservation area will be established for the threatened hazel dormouse and will provide rich habitat for the many unique bird and insect species that call Denmark home.

Your gift tree will be one of 25 species of trees to be planted in the project including varieties of alder, oak, ash, fir, pine, spruce, and larch. Another exciting part of this project is the allotment of a Children’s Forest, to be used for “Forest School” lessons and field trips. This will provide educational opportunities to the local community for generations to come.


You can view the general area of this planting project by clicking on the following link:

Virtual Tour – Denmark

Once connected to the map, feel free to zoom in and out to get a feel of the general planting
area as well as its location in Denmark, Europe, and the world. Please understand that this is the
general area of the tree planting. Your tree will be planted among thousands of other gift trees and
there is no plaque designating the gift tree and visiting the tree is unfortunately not possible.
Know that the tree planting project is making a monumental difference for the earth and
opening a new doorway to the world for future generations.

Preserve Their Legacy For Future Generations.

Location listed on tree tribute planting certificate = Jutland, Denmark

If you have any questions, or need help in placing an order, please feel free to contact us.